How to reach Ludhiana
Find best way to travel to Ludhiana
Reach Ludhiana by Rail
Ludhiana boasts of an excellent railway station that owes a good connectivity with the major destination in India. There are regular trains from Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai and Pune etc to reach Ludhiana. Moreover, it is also linked with important cities of Punjab via rail network such as Bhatinda, Jalandhar and Ferozpur.
Reach Ludhiana by Road
Ludhiana is located on Amritsar- Delhi Grand Trunk Road with Delhi at a distance of 305 km and Chandigarh at 100 km by road. A vast network of roads connects it with major places around the country such as Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, UP, Rajasthan and J&K. besides, there are also private and state owned buses avialble from Shimla, Rishikesh, Kulu, Sriganganagar, Dharmsala, Dalhousie and Jaipur.
Reach Ludhiana by Air
The nearest airport to Ludhiana is at Chandigarh which is 100 km away and another one is Raja Sansi Airport at Amritsar which is 200 km away. Both these airport have smooth flight service from the major airports in India.
Driving Directions & Map for Ludhiana
Distance between cities - Ludhiana
Entertainment, Heritage, Land, Nature, Pilgrim, Water
Month | Weather Condition | High | Low | Rain |
Jan | 19°C | 4°C | 31mm |
- Best Season:
- Summer: °C
- Winter: °C
- Rain:
- Altitude:
Amusement Park, Boating, Caves, Church, Fair Mela, Garden, Gurdwara, Monuments, Museum, Picnic .....
Entertainment, Heritage, Nature, Pilgrim
Month | Weather Condition |
High | Low | Rain |
- | - | - | - |
- Best Season: Sept - March
- Summer: 20 to 45°C
- Winter: 2 to 26°C
- Rain: June to August
- Altitude: 350 m
Amusement Park, Art Gallery, Garden, Gurdwara, Honeymoon, Museum, Picnic, Scenic, Temple
Entertainment, Heritage, Land, Nature, Pilgrim, Water
Month | Weather Condition | High | Low | Rain |
Jan | 19°C | 7°C | 21mm |
- Best Season: Sept - March
- Summer: 20 to 45°C
- Winter: 2 to 26°C
- Rain: June to August
- Altitude: 350 m
Fair Mela, Garden, Golf, Gurdwara, Lakes, Monuments, Mosque, Planetarium, Scenic, Temple
Heritage, Nature, Pilgrim
Month | Weather Condition | High | Low | Rain |
Jan | 19°C | 4°C | 28mm |
- Best Season: Oct - March
- Summer: 24 to 45°C
- Winter: 4 to 27°C
- Rain: July to Oct
- Altitude: 218 m
Fort, Gurdwara, Mosque, Palace, Scenic, Temple