How to reach Manali
Find best way to travel to Manali
Manali is well connected to the major cities of India and can be reached by air, train and road. The nearest railway station is the narrow gauze railway station of Joginder Nagar at a distance of 95 kilometers from Kullu. From Kullu you can hire a taxi or a cab and reach Manali to enjoy the nature.
By road Manali is well connected to other cities of Himachal and other metro cities of India. Both by private and state government buses, one can reach Manali. 52-km from Manali is the nearest airport of Bhuntar. From here take a taxi or cab to reach Manali.
Driving Directions & Map for Manali
Distance between cities - Manali
Entertainment, Land, Nature, Pilgrim, Water
Month | Weather Condition | High | Low | Rain |
Sep | 25°C | 11°C | 75mm |
- Best Season: Sep to June
- Summer: 24 to 36°C°C
- Winter: 1 to 25°C°C
- Rain: Jul to Sep
- Altitude: 1220 m
Amusement Park, Backwaters, Boating, Gurdwara, Mountaineering, Scenic, Temple, Trekking, Water Skiing, White Water Rafting .....
Land, Nature, Pilgrim, Water
Month | Weather Condition | High | Low | Rain |
Sep | 32°C | 23°C | 114mm |
- Best Season: All year
- Summer: 15 to 20°C
- Winter: 5 to 14°C
- Rain: Jul to Sep
- Altitude: 1760 m
Backwaters, Dams, Hill Station, Lakes, Scenic, Temple, Trekking
Entertainment, Heritage, Nature, Pilgrim
Month | Weather Condition | High | Low | Rain |
Sep | 25°C | 12°C | 63mm |
- Best Season: Feb to Nov
- Summer: 8 to 30°C
- Winter: -10 to 10°C
- Rain: Jul to Sep
- Altitude: 1472 m
Amusement Park, Art Gallery, Fort, Garden, Hill Station, Monuments, Museum, Picnic, Scenic, Temple
Entertainment, Heritage, Land, Nature, Pilgrim, Snow, Water
Month | Weather Condition | High | Low | Rain |
Sep | 25°C | 12°C | 63mm |
- Best Season: March to Jun
- Summer: 8 to 30°C
- Winter: -10 to 10°C
- Rain: Jul - Sep
- Altitude: 733
Art Gallery, Bird Watching, Caves, Fair Mela, Fishing, Fort, Hiking, Hill Station, Honeymoon, Ice Skating .....