Travel Within Imphal


Travelling around and within the city is perfectly maintained and numerous local transportation means are there for tourists. The chief modes of transport in Imphal are auto rickshaws, taxis, cab and on foot.


Auto Rickshaw

Auto rickshaws are the simplest and fast means of transport to travel within the city. One can get the auto rickshaws at each and every street of Imphal and even in the main market. But, here the rickshaws are non-metered, therefore, one should hire the auto by doing negotiation as per the rates of local people. Normally, the fares of auto range from INR 20 to 60.


Taxis and Cabs

Taxis are also best pick for travelling within the city and they are also non-metered. In night travelling, you should pick taxis as they are safest mode of transportation. Basically, the fare ranges from INR 150 to 300.


On foot

Walking on foot is the best option for exploring Imphal as one can see numerous eye-catching sights in Imphal located in the small congested streets also. Just walking leisurely on foot in the streets of Imphal gives you great experience of enjoying the beauty of nature.