Tango Goemba, Bhutan - Monastery

Scenic, Monuments, Monastery

This monastery was founded by Lama gyalwa Lhanangpa in the 12th century and the present edifice was constructed in the 15th century by the ‘Divine Madman’, Lama Drukpa Kunley. In 1616 Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal visited Tango and meditated in a cavern near the monastery. His meditation helped ensure the rout of an invading Tibetan army. The head Lama, a descendent of Lama Drukpa Kunley presented the goemba to Shabdrung, who carved a sandalwood figurine of Chenrezig which he mounted in the monastery. The charming three-storey tower and several neighbouring buildings were built in the 18th century by the eighth Desi, Druk Rabgye and Shabdrung Jigme Chhogyel added the golden roof in the 19th century. It is at present the home of an 11 year old boy believed to be the seventh reincarnation of the fourth desi, or ruler, of Bhutan.

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