Kanchipuram Weather

Best Season & Best time to visit Kanchipuram

The summers in Kanchipuram are warm while winters are pleasant. The city generally experiences a tropical climate that varies from 28 degree to 38 degree C throughout the year. Monsoons from June to September are followed by cold winds and a heavy rainfall. The average temperature in summer (March to May) ranges from21degreeC to 37degree C and in winters it fluctuates from 19degreeC to 29degreeC.The best season to visit Kanchipuram is from October to March as the climate is mild enough to enjoy a temple tour in the city.

Best Season : . Temperature: Summer °C, Winter °C

Monthly Kanchipuram Weather

Month Feb best time to visit kanchipuram Mar best time to visit kanchipuram Apr best time to visit kanchipuram May best time to visit kanchipuram Jun best time to visit kanchipuram Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan best time to visit kanchipuram
Weather Condition kanchipuram-weather-in-Feb kanchipuram-weather-in-Mar kanchipuram-weather-in-Apr kanchipuram-weather-in-May kanchipuram-weather-in-Jun kanchipuram-weather-in-Jul kanchipuram-weather-in-Aug kanchipuram-weather-in-Sep kanchipuram-weather-in-Oct kanchipuram-weather-in-Nov kanchipuram-weather-in-Dec kanchipuram-weather-in-Jan
High 32°C 34°C 36°C 38°C 37°C 36°C 35°C 34°C 32°C 30°C 29°C 30°C
Low 22°C 24°C 26°C 27°C 27°C 26°C 26°C 25°C 24°C 23°C 21°C 21°C