Mcleodganj Weather

Best Season & Best time to visit Mcleodganj

Cuddled amidst the sun- kissed peaks of the Dhauladhar ranges, McLeodganj experiences a salubrious climate throughout the year. The weather of the town is categorised as temperate summers, cold winters and heavy monsoons.


In summers the temperature ranges from 23 to 37 degree C. The days are quite pleasant whereasthe nights are cool and frigid. This time is ideal for enjoying sightseeing and various adventurous activities.


Winters last from December to February and the months are quite colder. In the month of January, the mercury may falls down to -1 degree C and the entire ambience gets covered with blanket of snow. Thus, these months are generally avoided by the tourists but if you want to capture the enormous sight of snow covered peaks of the region, the time is indeed the best.


The month from July to September are the monsoon months and the town experiences heavy down pores ranging from 290 to 380 cm. Due to the occurrence of frequent landslides, these months are not considered good to plan a visit to the town.


The ideal time to travel in and around McLeodganj is from September to June. However, the month of February or March draws the maximum number of tourists to the town when the famous Losar festival is celebrated with great zeal and zest.

Best Season : Sep to June. Temperature: Summer 23 to 37°C, Winter -1 to 17°C

Monthly Mcleodganj Weather

Month Jul best time to visit mcleodganj Aug best time to visit mcleodganj Sep best time to visit mcleodganj Oct best time to visit mcleodganj Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr best time to visit mcleodganj May best time to visit mcleodganj Jun best time to visit mcleodganj
Weather Condition mcleodganj-weather-in-Jul mcleodganj-weather-in-Aug mcleodganj-weather-in-Sep mcleodganj-weather-in-Oct mcleodganj-weather-in-Nov mcleodganj-weather-in-Dec mcleodganj-weather-in-Jan mcleodganj-weather-in-Feb mcleodganj-weather-in-Mar mcleodganj-weather-in-Apr mcleodganj-weather-in-May mcleodganj-weather-in-Jun
High 26°C 26°C 25°C 23°C 22°C 17°C 17°C 17°C 21°C 28°C 27°C 28°C
Low 13°C 13°C 12°C 10°C 6°C 4°C 4°C 4°C 7°C 11°C 15°C 15°C