Kuwait Weather

Best Season & Best time to visit Kuwait

Kuwait shares its weather prototypes with Europe, but it does not experience the same temperate conditions as many European countries. The country in general, is a lot hotter and drier than those in Europe and sees humidity levels that are sometimes intolerable.Summers last from June through September and are tremendously hot and humid with very little rain. Temperatures gradually increase, peaking in August, the hottest month of the year. Temperatures increase all through the summer months, with hot winds blowing in from the heart of Arabia. The coastal areas see vaguely lower temperatures, but conditions can be uncomfortable because of the high humidity levels.


Sandstorms are frequent during the summer months, and you should take sensible precautions and heed advice if you are caught in a storm. It is also essential to take measures against heatstroke by ensuring that you always carry water with you and that you never venture out all through the heat of the day.Winters last from November to February and are cooler and consequently more endurable, but the country does experience frequent rain showers at this time. While the showers help to cool the temperatures down, they can also hamper sightseeing and sunbathing.Spring (March to May) and autumn (September and October) are the best times to visit, as temperatures are pleasing and there is little rain.

Best Season : Nov to April. Temperature: Summer 24 to 45°C, Winter 8 to 24°C

Monthly Kuwait Weather

Month Jul Aug Sep best time to visit kuwait Oct best time to visit kuwait Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr best time to visit kuwait May best time to visit kuwait Jun
Weather Condition kuwait-weather-in-Jul kuwait-weather-in-Aug kuwait-weather-in-Sep kuwait-weather-in-Oct kuwait-weather-in-Nov kuwait-weather-in-Dec kuwait-weather-in-Jan kuwait-weather-in-Feb kuwait-weather-in-Mar kuwait-weather-in-Apr kuwait-weather-in-May kuwait-weather-in-Jun
High 43°C 44°C 42°C 35°C 26°C 19°C 18°C 21°C 26°C 31°C 38°C 43°C
Low 29°C 28°C 24°C 19°C 13°C 8°C 7°C 9°C 13°C 18°C 24°C 27°C