Goa Weather

Best Season & Best time to visit Goa

The climate of Goa is warm and humid for most of the year, as it is in the tropical zone and near the Arabian Sea. Goa has a short winter season which extends from mid-December till February. Due to its altitudinal gradation, the nights are a few degrees cooler with the average temperature of about 20"C and days are warmer with temperatures of 29"C and humidity remains in moderate amounts. Even winters are preferable time to have a leisurely vacation in Goa. During winters, Goa carnival is celebrated and thus it can be a right time to enjoy time in Goa.


In summer, the weather in Goa is very hot and humid. The beaches get heated and thus proving it too tough time to enjoy in and around Goa.


The monsoons in Goa arrive around early June which lasts till late September. During the rainy season, the greenery sprouts all around in Goa which adds more charm to it and making it more beautiful. Goa receives the full blast of the Indian monsoon along with sudden downpours and thunderstorms. The average rainfall is approximately 325cms. During the monsoon, the weather of Goa becomes pleasant as compared to harsh and hot summers.


The best time to explore Goa is just after the monsoon from October to March.

Best Season : Oct - Jun. Temperature: Summer 23 - 40°C, Winter 15 - 33°C

Monthly Goa Weather

Month Sep Oct best time to visit goa Nov best time to visit goa Dec best time to visit goa Jan best time to visit goa Feb best time to visit goa Mar best time to visit goa Apr May Jun Jul Aug
Weather Condition goa-weather-in-Sep goa-weather-in-Oct goa-weather-in-Nov goa-weather-in-Dec goa-weather-in-Jan goa-weather-in-Feb goa-weather-in-Mar goa-weather-in-Apr goa-weather-in-May goa-weather-in-Jun goa-weather-in-Jul goa-weather-in-Aug
High 30°C 32°C 33°C 32°C 32°C 32°C 32°C 33°C 33°C 30°C 29°C 29°C
Low 24°C 24°C 22°C 21°C 20°C 21°C 23°C 26°C 26°C 25°C 24°C 24°C