Delhi Weather

Best Season & Best time to visit Delhi

Like other cities in India, Delhi too has three distinctive seasons. From the month of April to July, it is the summer season and the temperature ranges from 25 degree Celsius to 46 degree Celsius. During the summer months, it is very humid and hot and is very difficult to move outside. It is very uncomfortable to spend even a day without air-conditioning and one can’t stay outside for a longer period of time. If you are planning to visit the city then avoid coming during summers.


From the month of August, it somehow relieves from the scorching heat. The climate is quite pleasant during this period. The temperature goes down and is cooler than the hot summer.


The month from late November to late February is the time of winter which is cold and the temperature drops to 2 degrees during these months. Winters are also intolerable here.  The thick fog covers the city and disrupts transportation. The days are chilly and the nights are even colder. If you are visiting Delhi during winters then do pack heavy winter clothing.

The ideal time for the tourists to visit Delhi is from February to April and August to November. 

Best Season : Feb - Apr, Aug - Nov. Temperature: Summer 25 - 47°C, Winter 1 - 25°C

Monthly Delhi Weather

Month Jul Aug best time to visit delhi Sep best time to visit delhi Oct best time to visit delhi Nov best time to visit delhi Dec Jan Feb best time to visit delhi Mar best time to visit delhi Apr best time to visit delhi May Jun
Weather Condition delhi-weather-in-Jul delhi-weather-in-Aug delhi-weather-in-Sep delhi-weather-in-Oct delhi-weather-in-Nov delhi-weather-in-Dec delhi-weather-in-Jan delhi-weather-in-Feb delhi-weather-in-Mar delhi-weather-in-Apr delhi-weather-in-May delhi-weather-in-Jun
High 35°C 33°C 34°C 33°C 28°C 23°C 21°C 24°C 30°C 36°C 40°C 39°C
Low 27°C 26°C 24°C 20°C 13°C 8°C 7°C 10°C 15°C 22°C 26°C 28°C