How to reach Nubra Valley
Find best way to travel to Nubra Valley
The three most common means of transport i.e. Air, Rail and Road offers their services to reach Nubra Valley.
Reach Nubra Valley by Air
If deciding to reach to Nubra Valley through air route, then the nearest airport is situated at Leh, the Kushok Bakula Rimpochhe Airport. It is situated at the distance of 120kms from Nubra Valley. Then after getting to airport, you can opt for prepaid taxis to reach Nubra Valley. The airport offers you the connectivity to different main cities of North India like Jammu, Srinagar, Delhi, etc.
Reach Nubra Valley by Road
Road network to reach Nubra Valley can not be rightly addressed as perfect but is quite well till main cities of India like Saraks, Leh, Kargil, Srinagar, etc. After that, you can go for the state buses offered by JKSRTC and also through the private taxis or buses. It is much better to get to Nubra Valley through private taxis from the main cities of India for a comfortable trip.
Reach Nubra Valley by Rail
Rail connectivity to Nubra Valley is not so comfortable just like reaching to any other destination of India. The nearest railway station to Nubra Valley is situated in Jammu which is around 620kms from the valley. Other nearest railway station is situated in Leh also.