Belgium Weather

Best Season & Best time to visit Belgium

Belgium is a West European realm with a typical sea-climate similar to its neighboring countries. It's never very cold or hot, never very dry either. Belgium is a tiny country with little climatic variation, though the area around the Ardennes is more prone to continental weather than the area around Brussels, which kowtows more to a temperate European climate. Belgium is an excellent place to visit in the summer, when temperatures are reasonably warm. Brugge, Belgium's top attraction, is generally crowded in summer months, and is best visited in early spring or fall for those who try to stay away from crowds.


All through the country, humid weather can convincingly be expected from May to September and snow is likely during the winter months - temperatures, though, are rarely extreme. There are some good fall hues appearing in September in Flanders. Rain is normal most of the year in Belgium, but is rarely heavy or long-lasting. The influence of the Gulf Stream and the Atlantic Ocean result in the climate being drizzly, clammy and gloomy. The marine influence on the climate decreases further inland and becomes almost continental in the Ardennes, with colder winters and warmer summers.

Best Season : April - Oct. Temperature: Summer 18 - 21°C, Winter -2 to 10°C

Monthly Belgium Weather

Month Jul best time to visit belgium Aug best time to visit belgium Sep best time to visit belgium Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Weather Condition belgium-weather-in-Jul belgium-weather-in-Aug belgium-weather-in-Sep belgium-weather-in-Oct belgium-weather-in-Nov belgium-weather-in-Dec belgium-weather-in-Jan belgium-weather-in-Feb belgium-weather-in-Mar belgium-weather-in-Apr belgium-weather-in-May belgium-weather-in-Jun
High 22°C 22°C 19°C 14°C 9°C 6°C 5°C 6°C 9°C 12°C 17°C 19°C
Low 12°C 12°C 10°C 7°C 3°C 1°C -1°C 2°C 4°C 8°C 11°C