France Weather

Best Season & Best time to visit France

France’s climate is moderate in the northern regions and north-eastern parts of the country aptly to experience a more continental weather characterized by cold winters and warm summers. Rainfall can be predictable all through the year and some snowfall is archetypal during the winter months. Generally speaking, climate needn't be a chief contemplation in planning when to go. If you're a skier, of course, you wouldn't choose the mountains between May and November; and if you want a beach holiday, you wouldn't head for the shore side out of summer – apart from for the Mediterranean coast, which is at its most nice-looking in spring.


Northern France, like close by Britain, is wet and changeable. Paris has a slightly better climate than New York, rarely reaching the extremes of heat and cold of that city, but only south of the Loire does the weather become considerably warmer. West coast weather, even in the south, is tempered by the propinquity of the Atlantic, subject to brutal storms and close rainy days even in summer. The centre and east, as you leave the coasts behind, have a more continental weather, with colder winters and hotter summers. The most dependable weather is alongside and behind the Mediterranean shoreline and on Corsica, where winter is short and summer long and hot.

Best Season : Jun to Sept. Temperature: Summer 23 to 27°C, Winter 1 to 5°C