Kalakaua Avenue, Hawaii - Kalakaua Avenue - Shopping Center and International Market

Scenic, Beaches, Amusement Park

Waikiki's main street, named after King David Kalakaua, extends for 1 milefrom Beretania in Downtown Honolulu to the end of Kapiolani Park.AlongsideKalakaua Avenue - the heart of Waikiki - which runs parallel to the beach, are the myriad hotels, restaurants and shops. If visitors are looking for a change from the shore, this always-lively street can keep them engaged. Round the corner are the Waikiki Shopping Center, the International Market Place and the Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center, which stretches from Lewers Street as far as Seaside Avenue. Many shops can also be found in the hotels, mainly in the upper floors of the Hyatt Regency.

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