Travel Within Kohima


Once you arrived at Kohima of Nagaland, then no worries how to travel in Kohima as there are so many local modes of transportation are available. The most commonly used modes of local transport are Auto rickshaws, taxis and also rented vehicles. Walking through the lane covered with green grassy vegetation on bare foot is also great experience.


Auto Rickshaws

The fastest means of transport which is commonly seen in Kohima are auto rickshaws. The charges are also minimal and no extra charges are claimed for the night. It is advisable to negotiate the rent before hiring any auto rickshaw. Also, any place in Kohima is easily accessed with the help of auto rickshaw.



Taxis are also seen in Kohima as local mode of transportation. Travelling to different parts of Kohima is quite sophisticated just because of taxis. The charges of taxis are also normal but bit higher than auto rickshaws. Taxis in Kohima are not metered, so one has to be more careful before hiring taxis.


Rental vehicles

For the convenience of tourists, there are many shops that provide motor-cycles and bicycles on rent which makes the visit of the people in Kohima more comfortable.


On Foot

Walking leisurely on the bare foot across the roadside in Kohima is great excitement.