Egypt Weather

Best Season & Best time to visit Egypt

Egypt is a desert kingdom; thus temperatures usually lean to be high. Due to the immediacy of the arid region there is diminutive humidity. Situated in the northern hemisphere the summer months are June, July and August, which is low time of year in Egypt. The high season is throughout the cooler months and chiefly the winter period - December, January and February. Summer in Egypt, May to September, is blistering and arid and tends to get awfully humid in the Delta and along the Mediterranean shoreline. Winter months being the November to March, see generally sunlit days and chilly nights, with scanty rain showers. Snowfall happens in most places between October and April.

Temperature in the arid regions experiences huge variations with a conspicuous difference during the hours of day and night. During winter, the temperature in the desert can be as low as 0°C with chilly winds sweeping in. It is general for desert areas to receive downpour once in every few years. Khamasin, as the natives call it, is also well-known as the sandstorm period stirring between March and April. Usually, the season is only about 5 days but the sandstorms are villainous and tourists are informed to stay away from the region during this period.

Best Season : Oct to May. Temperature: Summer 7 to 43°C, Winter 0 to 18°C