History of Dalhousie


Historical events that took place on the land of Dalhousie made the glorious past of the place very interesting. Initially, Dalhousie was a part of the Chamba and remains as such till the British did not put eye on it. In 1850, it was Lt.Col Napier, the main engineer of Punjab, reached this place but all in vain as Dalhousie did not get any recognition because of him.


Later on, in 1853, Lord James Ramsay spotted this destination for spending their idle time and since then only, the place got its recognition. He without wasting a single minute make up his mind to but the place from the Raja of Chamba and he did the same. After that, Lord Dalhousie, the then Governor-General of India, took the control of the place under his hand and this is how the place got its name.


Gradually, in 1867, Dalhousie gained the title of a “Sanatorium town” and took a steep turn towards growth and prosperity just because of being emerged into the main career hub. During the 1920-30, children of many royal British families came here to study and likewise, the families also came here to settle down.


After getting Independence, Dalhousie went through a recession but slowly, it again emerges into the most-liked tourist destination of the country.